Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter

Dear Family,

Transfers happened last Thursday and my new companion is Sister Meryhew. She switched places with Sister Bleazard who is now in Millard. I really appreciate the change because it gives me another opportunity to start new and recommit myself to be the best missionary I can be. I used to really dread changes like this, but now I see the Lord's wisdom in giving us opportunities to change. Each week is a new week when we can partake of the sacrament and be cleansed and start fresh. Each day is a new day for us to "lay aside every sin which easily doth beset [us]" (Alma 7:15) and start being more like the person God wants us to be. If we really do repent each day and renew our covenants each week we will "line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little" become more Christ-like. The gospel is a process of becoming and I have to remind myself to be patient as I make those little, incremental steps forward.

Sister Meryhew is great. She studied psychology at BYU before coming on a mission, so we have a few BYU connections. She's from Mesa Arizona. Sometimes, her personality reminds me a little bit of Natalie. She's very good at conversing with people and helping them feel at ease despite the awkwardness of running up to them to share the gospel. Hopefully I can learn how to be more personable from her. One tip of hers that I am trying is to make fun of myself, then people can see that I am a person too, not just a missionary. So far it seems to be helping. Sister Meryhew is also helping me learn the ropes of the Trail Center. We will be serving there one or two days a week. It's a little intimidating to have this new assignment/responsibility, but I am excited. I get to be a visitor center sister, just like all the ones we saw when we did our church history tour. Pretty crazy huh?!?

General Conference was amazing! It was fun to think that you all would be watching it too. And yes I thought "I've been there, I can picture exactly what he is talking about" when Parley Street was mentioned. All the talks were so good! The theme was definitely strengthening home and family. I can't count how many times they talked about the importance of parents teaching their children the gospel, through example and precept. I'm grateful that I get to use all that counsel for when I become a mother and that I get all this practice teaching the gospel as a missionary. In fact, most of the talks could easily be adapted to missionary work by considering the parent as the missionary and the children as the investigators. Elder Perry concluded his talk by saying that parents partner and joy with God in bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. And while the greatest missionary work we will ever do will be within our own homes, as a full time missionary, I also partner and joy with God in bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Elder Bednar's went right along with the teach, testify, and invite pattern that we find in Preach My Gospel. I'm pretty sure that serving a mission is the best thing I could possibly do to prepare to be a wife and mother. It's helping me see what I want in my future family and teaching me how to make that happen. Most of all, it is strengthening my desire and ability to live and share the gospel. The skills I'm developing now will be so valuable as a mother.

For me, watching General Conference also raised the question "What can I do to help my family now?" Although I am supposed to dedicate all my time and attention to serving the Lord, I'm sure there are things I can do differently or better to serve you all as well. Do you have any suggestions? I was wondering if we could study together in some way. Since my preparation day is Monday, maybe you could tell me what FHE will be about the next Monday. Then I can study and share what I've learned in my next email and you could include it as part of the lesson that night. Does that sound feasible? I hope that you each know how much I love you. If there is ever anything I can do to help you, please let me know. Even if it is just giving you an outlet to complain or someone to run your ideas by, I would be happy to "listen" via email. I love hearing from you and wish I could do more to encourage and support you.

I'm glad you all had a great Easter. I definitely did because conference was incredible! I love each of you very, very much.

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