Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas is almost here!

Dear Family,

Congrats to Joel and Jenna! The pictures from the wedding were so fun to see. I can't believe how big Evan is! And Will, I think you look goofy with that little beard. It was good to have a picture of Mel so that I can put a face with the name. Anyway, it sounds and looks like you're having a wonderful time and I'm very happy about that.

Things are going great! We met a man named Jesus yesterday. He has three kids and recently went through a divorce. He was very welcoming and interested in learning about the gospel. He's Catholic (by tradition) and not really looking to change religions right now but wants us to come teach his family. As we do, he will gain a testimony of the restoration and eventually recognize the need to be baptized by authority. We were very blessed to be able to meet him.

Another big miracle last night was meeting Kelsey. She's 19 and hasn't been to church in a while even though she was raised in the church. She realized a few days ago that she is lonely and not happy and wants that to change so her dad suggested she meet with us. When we visited her last night she said that she wasn't even sure if God was really there. We listened and related experiences where we had felt lonely but then prayed and felt God's love. We bore testimony that God does love her and will answer her prayers. Several times during the lesson we all had tears in our eyes. The spirit was definitely there to confirm the truth that God loves us. When we asked her how she felt and she said "good" her dad asked "Do you know what that is?" and she answered "The spirit?" "Yes." I really did feel a portion of Heavenly Father's love for her and look forward to going back and helping her continue to rekindle her testimony.

Here's a quote that President Kunz shared with us that I'd like to share with you. President David O. McKay, declared: “True happiness comes only by making others happy—the practical application of the Savior’s doctrine of losing one’s life to gain it. In short, the Christmas spirit is the Christ spirit, that makes our hearts glow in brotherly love and friendship and prompts us to kind deeds of service” (Gospel Ideals 1953, 551).

I'm really looking forward to talking to all of you on Saturday. I'm not sure when I'll be calling but it will definitely be after noon (NE time) since we're having a brunch at the Trail Center. But, before I talk to each of you I'd like you to think about a present that you will give to our Savior in the coming year. I will think about it too and we can tell each other on Christmas. Okay? I hope you all have a wonderful week! I love you!

Sister Bailey Mortensen

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